
02 May 2024

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Abrahamic Traditions Dinner – May 2, 2024

Abrahamic Traditions Dinner – May 2, 2024

Thank you to everyone who joined us for an unforgettable evening of unity and fellowship!
Our heartfelt dinner celebrating the spirit of togetherness within the Abrahamic traditions was a beautiful convergence of faith, culture, and friendship. Together, we reflected on shared values of compassion, generosity, and peace, drawing wisdom from Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.


We are honored to have distinguished speakers from each tradition:


Rabbi Dr. Noah Bickart – represents Judaism
Jack, Joseph & Morton Mandel Chair in Jewish Studies at John Carrol University


Rev. Dr. Tom MacMillan – represents Christianity
Senior Pastor at John Knox Presbyterian Church


Dr. Zeki Saritoprakrepresents Islam
Director of the Bediuzzaman Said Nursi Chair in Islamic Studies at John Carroll University


Your insights and perspectives enriched our gathering, reminding us of the importance of understanding and harmony in our communities.
Though the event has concluded, let’s carry forward the bonds we’ve forged and continue to honor the diversity that strengthens us all.
Thank you again for being a part of this meaningful evening. Until next time!
